Q5’s AVOP Module – Airside Vehicle Operations Permit

Q5’s AVOP Module – Airside Vehicle Operations Permit

There are many types of Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit for airports, which designate the areas where the holder is authorized to drive. An Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit (AVOP) certifies airport employees to operate vehicles and equipment airside. This includes, aprons, taxiways or runways, depending on the AVOP type. Tracking all of this information is critical to the successful…

Report to ECCAIRS Directly From Your Q5 Site

Report to ECCAIRS Directly From Your Q5 Site

The mission of the European Co-ordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems (ECCAIRS) is to assist National and European transport entities in collecting, sharing and analyzing their safety information in order to improve public transport safety. For more information on ECCAIRS, please click here. The Q5 software now allows its customers to report to…

Q5’s IDX Integration Tool

Q5’s IDX Integration Tool

The Incident Data eXchange (IDX) is the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) safety and security incident data management program. The IDX program is a worldwide, aggregated, de-identified database of incident reports including flight operations, cabin, ground operations safety and security occurrences. It offers a secure environment providing participants with a seamless experience to view aggregated…